Because you can bet as low as 1 dollar in on line casinos, it is a great place to just practice your strategy moves..
some are better than others as in any biz . some are scams so be careful selecting the casino to play with real money.
go to wizard of odds to practice on a nice table for free.. he has no pay tables
this site is free and he rates and makes recommendations for some of the on line casinos. I live in MD and can't play for real money on line and I wish I could.
Its up for vote again next year and I have my fingers crossed...the wizard explains what makes a good on line casino. ones that are monitored and have lic is a starter.. if you want to know anything about gambling odds this is the site.. its a jewel for folks like us.
cheers.. Its hard to practice on a 10 dollar table if you are trying a system you like, on line is especially good for that